Your Turn Women’s Clinic at Holiday Valley
Your Turn Women’s Clinic at Holiday Valley
From a Coach’s Point of View
I’ve had the pleasure of being a coach for the “Your Turn Women’s Clinic” with Lisa Densmore Ballard for the last 3 years. Not only has this been game changing for the women who attend, but it is so satisfying for me to see those women improve their skiing and have more fun on the snow. Lisa’s formula is very straight forward: give women two days on snow where they’re only responsible for themselves, teach them about equipment basics so they know what to look for, give them simple tips on how to be more in control, and challenge them to reach new goals.
The first day after a light, nutritious breakfast and introductions, the women select their demo skis for the morning session. As one of the four Holiday Valley female instructors, I meet my group, take some warm-up runs and figure out some root skills we all need to work on. I present a combination of specific drills to the ladies, but all the while keeping things moving and fun. Lisa spends time with each group giving her unique and straightforward feedback, and then she takes video of each participant. When we meet for our well-deserved lunch, she reviews the video and reinforces what she has presented to each individual. After lunch, the women can select different skis, then we’re back on snow for the afternoon with group appropriate drills and more mileage. I’m careful to keep it simple and ski a lot!
We break in the afternoon for some down time, then meet for happy hour and a very informative boot clinic by one of Mud, Sweat n’ Gears’ master boot fitters. Dinner is provided by Edna’s at the Tamarack Club and by dessert everyone is ready for a good night’s sleep.
The second day we’ll enjoy another breakfast and Lisa will introduce basic ski racing tips. After selecting new demos, we run gates - not to become World Cup racers, but to refine our skiing skills and give us more confidence in slightly uncomfortable situations. There’s no timing involved, just skiing a nice rhythmical course that’s mostly just fun. Watching these women skiing gates for the first time is amazing as they progress from being a little scared to embracing a bit more speed and being comfortable with turning where the gates dictate. Lots of pole clicking happens as the women support each other while they improve.
Lunch happens, then the women can choose to participate in one of 4 specialty clinics which most likely will include skiing bumps, skiing steeps, “Hand Jive” (what to do with those silly ski poles), and skiing powder and crud. The wrap-up is back inside where Lisa is available for more individual feedback and then she awards some awesome door prizes. It’s such a thrill to see the camaraderie that has developed, the new ski buddies they’ve found and of course the new confidence the women have gained in their skiing.
Your Turn Women’s Clinic on January 24th and 25th has just a couple spots left so register now at