What You Need to Know About Trees!
What You Need to Know About Trees!
Bruce Robinson Gives Presentation at the Ellicottville Arboretum on October 25th
ELLICOTTVILLE — In autumn we enjoy our beautiful surroundings, colorful trees, and even consider adding a few new trees to our landscape. On Wednesday October 25, 2023 at 7pm at the Ellicottville Town Center, 28 Parkside Drive, Mr. Bruce Robinson will present "What You Need to Know about Trees”.
Robinson has had a distinguished career as a forestry consultant and is one of the founding members of the Nannen Arboretum. Included in his presentation will be a selection of trees for our zone 4b area. He will indicate which trees have good fall color and point out the benefits of native trees. Robinson will also teach attendees how to recognize winter damage and when to take care of it.
The Nannen Arboretum Society is excited and honored to sponsor Mr. Robinson. Come, join us for an evening of practical information and some interesting stories about our local trees. The program is free and refreshments will be served.