Village Election Date Set by Executive Order


Village Election Date Set

The May meeting of the Ellicottville Village Board was held once again virtually and opened with Good News. The insurance invoice was received and was less than the amount budgeted for 2020. This was followed by three motions to approve the minutes of the April 2020 Meeting, Financial Report and Audit of Claims; there were three seconds and all motions were carried. 

Mayor’s Report: Mayor John Burrell attended many conference calls the past month navigating the COVID-19 Regulations as they changed daily. There was a question as to when the Town/Village Hall would reopen; this will only happen when all procedure is set for reopening including new sanitizing guidelines and glass partitioners to be installed in the Clerk’s office. The Health and Safety Plans will follow the models set by the NYS Template. 

The Village Election will now be held on September 15, 2020 as per the Executive Order 202.26. 

There was discussion regarding changing the time and day of the Village Board’s monthly meeting; there was a motion to change the monthly meeting to the third Tuesday of the month; a second and ayes carried. This is necessary to avoid a conflict in the Village Attorney’s schedule. 

There was also a motion to set a Public Hearing to Override the 2% Tax Cap for the June meeting; a second and ayes carried.

Engineer’s Report: There was discussion regarding the new Water District Classes. There was a new 2A Class added. This is to differently class smaller Food Services such as Dom’s Butcher Block and Cupcaked that do not pull as heavily on the water system. To create this new class, data gathered from past consumption was used. 

Summer 2020 plans include repaving Monroe Street; the Village Engineer asked if the Board would consider turning Hughey Alley into a one-way as it is not wide enough to deem it a two-way street and it makes sense from a fire safety point of view. There were comments both in favor and against for many reasons. Ultimately the discussion was tabled. 

There was a motion to Approve the 2020 Budget which has a new exciting line item. The Village has budgeted $20,000 for the Ellicottville Skatepark Project. There was a second and ayes carried. 

Last, Trustee Spencer Murray asked to say a few words as it is his last meeting serving on the Board. He thanked everyone for the experience and was grateful for the opportunity they gave him to put his Stamp on the Village. He feels over the last few years the Village has really been moving in a great direction because of the work this board has done. It was a difficult decision to move his family as he loves Ellicottville, but it is time to start the next chapter for his family. He once again thanked them for everything he learned from all of the other board members. 

There was a motion by Joe DiPasquale to adjourn the meeting and a second by Murray and ayes carried. 

The next meeting of the Ellicottville Village Board will be Tuesday, June 16, 2020 at 6:00 PM via conference call. Please contact the Village Clerk on how to tune in. 


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