ECS Senior Tubing Day
ECS Senior Tubing Day
The current school year is admittedly a confusing new venture for all students and teachers involved, and many people have been struggling to keep a jovial attitude. Despite the negativity that the pandemic has created among students (especially high school seniors), a brilliant act of positivity was just bestowed upon the senior class of Ellicottville Central School.
Holiday Valley teamed up with the officers and advisors of the class of 2021 to create a day of fun and laughter as the Valley opened their tubing park for the senior class to enjoy for a few hours this past Wednesday, March 10th. With seemingly record high temperatures welcoming facilitators and staff, and a group of high-schoolers keen on having a good day, this last bit of fun in the snow was enough to bring back some energy to these students.
The community of Ellicottville is a tight knit and caring one, and this act of generosity by Holiday Valley goes on to cement that idea, bringing together the new generation with the old in one big display of kindness. At the end of the day, the overall consensus seemed to be that it certainly was a highlight in this dark year, and the senior class will surely remember the great day that they were able to have.
Submitted by Noah Steinbroner, ECS Class of 2021