Mayor Appointed to NYCOM
Mayor Appointed to NYCOM
John Burrell to serve on the New York State Conference of Mayors
ALBANY - Mayor John A. Burrell of the Village of Ellicottville has been appointed to serve on the Executive Committee of the New York State Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials (NYCOM). Mayor Richard David of the City of Binghamton, President of NYCOM, made the selection.
In announcing the appointment, Mayor David stated, "Mayor Burrell is a proven municipal leader, with a wide range of experience and success at the village and town levels of government. John's collaborative approach to leadership and active advocacy on behalf of local governments will be a tremendous asset to NYCOM as we represent our city and village members."
"NYCOM plays a very important role as the legislative advocate for cities and villages, and provides extensive professional training for elected and appointed officials," said Ellicottville Mayor John Burrell. "The organization works diligently on our behalf and conscientiously seeks input from its members about the most pressing issues we face. I am honored to be appointed to this position of leadership within NYCOM."
Mayor Burrell has been a member of the Village of Ellicottville Board of Trustees for a total of seventeen years: eleven years as Mayor and Budget Officer, four years as Deputy Mayor and Budget Officer and two years as a Trustee. Prior to his serving on the Board of Trustees, he was on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mayor Burrell is an active member of the Cattaraugus County Municipal Officials Association, where he is a Past President. From 2008 to 2016 he was Ellicottville Town Supervisor and Budget Officer, during which he was active in the Cattaraugus County Town Supervisors Association. He has also served for over thirty years on the town's Board of Assessment Review, the majority of those as its Chairman. He has been a member of the Ellicottville Fire Company for over fifty-five years, its EMS Squad for more than forty-five years, and is currently a member and Secretary/Treasurer of the Ellicottville/Great Valley Ambulance Service, Inc.
The New York State Conference of Mayors is the statewide association representing New York's cities and villages. Since 1910, NYCOM has united local government officials in an active network of legislative advocacy, legal guidance, technical assistance and municipal training.