Alice in Great Valley
Alice in Great Valley
The Mad Crazy Batter is baking up a wonderland of confections to fancy your sweet tooth
photos/Clara Kosinski
I always envisioned my first article would be something that both myself and the readers would really be able to get a firm grasp on and sink their teeth into. Today, we’ll take a journey that will allow us to do just that. I hope you’re up to date on your dental checkups; I hope your sweet tooth is ready, because we’re entering the wonderland with this one. Without further ado, lift the curtain as we present the Mad Crazy Batter, a freshly opened bakery located at 4915 Route 219 in Great Valley, NY. Where the conception of confection is abundant, and consumer connection is special. Not too far from home lies an unsuspecting portal to a dimension filled with surprise goodies.
Stepping into the Batter hits you with a pleasant wave of unidentified aroma, a mixed myriad of flavors lingering and mingling in the air. The sweets showcased seem to last forever … it’s no wonder Alice wanted to stay in this wonderland for so long. Much like her, I guarantee you’ll also be making a second trip back.
I had the pleasure of interviewing the owners of this pastry-filled palace, and it was an absolute delight! Going back and forth with people who are passionate about their craft and absorbing the information they put out is a marvelous experience. Here is a snippet of that conversation, introducing the two stars of this show, Dawn Rowland and Rachael Ferguson.
ELIJAH: The first thing that comes to mind when I say “Mad Crazy Batter” out loud is Alice In Wonderland and the Mad Hatter. Is that where the inspiration for the name came from?
RACHAEL: Yes, the name is inspired from the Mad Hatter; I am a big Disney person and love Alice In Wonderland.
ELIJAH: What is it like branching out and starting a business from scratch?
RACHAEL: It’s a little stressful at times but also really fun, decorating and making it your own.
ELIJAH: What types of sweets do you bake? Any specialties?
RACHAEL: We bake pretty much everything and are always trying new things. Our specialties right now are probably our cinnamon rolls, danishes, and cream puffs. They seem to be the most popular for sure!
ELIJAH: What is your personal favorite bakery item?
RACHAEL: My favorite item to make is the giant brownies because I can do anything! I love eating the cream puffs.
DAWN: My favorite to make is the cinnamon rolls and danishes. I love eating the sugar cookies, too!
ELIJAH: Any “interesting” custom orders so far?
RACHAEL: I’m thinking the neapolitan cake with strawberry crunch crumbs on the outside; our most unique so far.
ELIJAH: Who inspired you to start baking?
RACHAEL: I went to culinary school and when it came to the baking class I fell in love, so I just kept baking.
DAWN: It was never really in "the plan". I just started doing it and seemed to be good at it and kept learning and growing. I look forward to seeing what I can do in the next few years.
ELIJAH: Who supported you the most on your journey to owning a bakery?
RACHAEL: My mom and dad were the most supportive while opening the bakery. They were there all the time helping to get it ready as quickly as possible before the holidays.
ELIJAH: And how has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way you run the business?
RACHAEL: The pandemic hasn't been too difficult actually. Just making sure everyone wears masks in store is the hardest part.
ELIJAH: If you didn’t go into baking, what career path would you be on as of right now?
RACHAEL: If I didn't go into baking I would probably be doing something with animals.
DAWN: I would most likely be working to live, not living to work. My career isn’t necessarily my focus. Love, laughter, happiness, and joy is my focus. That is found in my family, my friends, and activities. My employment gives me a means to do the things that are most important.
ELIJAH: What particular aspects surrounding your establishment set you apart from your competition?
RACHAEL: I think we all have a little something to offer to everyone.
ELIJAH: Final question … what do you envision for the bakery in the future?
RACHAEL AND DAWN: We hope to have an Etsy shop soon for people to order online. We want to grow a little bigger and expand our storefront more in the future also. Maybe a food truck someday.
It was so nice, I’ll say it twice: Having the opportunity to converse with Dawn and Rachael was delightful, perhaps even more than their sweet treats. Here’s two people who truly love what they do, and are kind and genuine. And you, too, can have your day brightened, when you call and place an order at their business, 716-265-8585. Give them a follow on Facebook and Instagram (@themadcrazybatterllc) and see what specialties they’re whipping up each week. They’ve got a business email as well,
Alice is certainly going to return to wonderland for a third time; maybe she’ll stay for good this time. I think I fancy one of those cinnamon rolls right about now … this concludes our tour. If delicious baked delicacies are your forte (we know it is), stop by the Mad Crazy Batter today!