Technology Update
Technology Update
Rotary donates to the Ellicottville Library, covering cost of new WiFi installation
ELLICOTTVILLE - Over the past number of years the Rotary Club of Ellicottville has been providing equipment and monetary support for many local organizations. Working with the Ellicottville Memorial Library for 15+ years, the Club initially provided a $50,000 donation to the building fund establishing the Rotary room in the library. The Club also provides yearly financial support, funding the youth Intern program every summer along with support for the Summer Reading Program and other child-friendly programs.
Rotary is committed to keeping the library technologically current through donations of computers and equipment. Over the years they have also provided technology teaching tools like Robotics and Drone kits via Rotary District Grants.
The community as a whole benefits from the essential programs for all ages. With the pandemic changing how we all learn and work, there was a need to improve WiFi access 24/7 at the Library. To this end, the Rotary Club of Ellicottville applied for and received a district grant to provide another technology upgrade. New indoor and outdoor wireless access points have been installed so that Wi-Fi access is stronger both inside the building and in the parking lot. Just as a reminder, the internet is always on at the Library - even if they are closed, so you can surf the internet to your heart’s content.
Along with the new WiFi installation, the Rotary Grant provided new 27” monitors along with new, faster SSD hard drives on all of the patron desktop computers. The screens are a huge improvement over the old smaller monitors and the speed of the computers allows for lightning fast downloads, which Library Director Laura Flanagan described as “an awesome improvement”.
The Rotary Club of Ellicottville, working with Flanagan, developed a list of equipment needed to accomplish this enhancement. The Rotary Club of Ellicottville then submitted and received a matching grant from Rotary District 7090. The Rotary District Grant has been used in the past to support numerous projects at the Ellicottville Memorial Library, Ellicottville Central School, the Ellicottville Food Pantry, the Village Park and the Rotary Auditorium at the Ellicottville Town Center, to name a few.
This particular grant provided the upgrade to the computers and paid for the installation of the new WiFi access points. Both Rotarians and Friends of Rotary did the minor setup of the equipment but left the wiring to the professionals.
The Rotary District 7090 provides a matching grant of up to $2,000 to Clubs that meet the criteria annually. The Rotary Club of Ellicottville contributed $2,500 for a total of $4,500 to modernize the equipment and improve internet access.
“We are thrilled to have continued support from the Rotary Club of Ellicottville,” said Flanagan. “I hope our community realizes that this exceptional organization changes lives, lifts people up, and makes this community a better place.”
The Ellicottville Memorial Library services the Ellicottville community with many unique programs year-round while providing computer access to all who need it. The Rotary Club of Ellicottville meets every second Wednesday at 6:15pm, currently via Zoom due to the pandemic. Anyone is welcome; visit their website at to learn more.