Suzy’s Star Readings: March Astrology
Suzy’s Star Readings: March Astrology
Hello and happy spring! Longer days and new horizons for us all as we navigate into uncharted astrological territory!
We begin the month with a new moon on March 2nd - that’s when you want to set your new intentions for the month. What goals would you like to accomplish, or what would you like to manifest for yourself? Write it down, pray on it, declare it between March 1st and March 4th.
March 6th is a big deal. Venus and Mars both change signs. Hand-in-hand, they leave bossy and serious Capricorn and step into zero degrees of buzzy, innovative and visionary Aquarius. That is a familiar degree as of late, because the Great Conjunction (the 20 year meeting of Jupiter and Saturn) happened exactly here December 21, 2020 at zero degrees of Aquarius. This signifies a twenty-year cycle, involving a tug of war between traditional, conventional, linear structures, and new, electrifying, conceptual ways of approaching the world! Aquarius is ‘the people, freedom, expansion’ … where the former 20 years it was about ‘constriction, control, corporations and the brotherhood’!
Notice your ambitions. What motivates you? Are you inspired to create something new?
As we are now in the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces, notice how you feel. Pisces is a dreamy, ungrounded, vast and nebulous energy that is impossible to define. It is a Yin, feminine, receptive energy which is evolved and spiritual at its best. At worst, it wants to escape reality so be very mindful of using substances and other behaviors to escape or numb yourself, including gaming – all things dreamy and fantasy are ruled by Pisces as is the media and movies. Movies take you into the author’s story and you become part of that … when the movie is over you return to your life. Pisces can get stuck in the movie, stuck in the dream, and feel quite foreign in the ‘real world.’
Happy birthday to all the Pisces people! Those with a Pisces sun, moon or rising sign feel not part of common society; they feel alien, foreign, like they don’t belong here and a forever nagging feeling that “I just want to go home”, but home is not on this planet. People can talk to you like a baby and tease your hyper-sensitivity. You may see orbs or apparitions, hear voices, know when someone is passing away, or have vivid dreams and out-of-body experiences. You don’t relate to your family and feel like you really don’t fit in. I promise you there are so many people who share this … you may suffer with identity problems, alcoholism, feeling in the fog. It is 100% real .:. (you are not crazy). Your friends may say you’re ‘out there’ just because they don’t have that energy so they don’t relate. It doesn’t mean YOU are wrong or part of a problem. Pisces are very creative, and make great songwriters, musicians, tattoo artists and designers. Anything artsy, fantasy and mystic is ruled by Pisces. It’s a beautiful, greatly misunderstood sign. I get you! Your ruling planet is Neptune. Water. Sensitive. Vast. Sensitive. Naïve. Pure. You just want everyone to heal and to be okay. You know in your heart of hearts you are not of this world. And let me tell you, you’re right, and this world NEEDS your light, your insight, your soft loving presence.
On March 10th, the planet of communication, Mercury, changes sign from buzzy Aquarius into gentle, serene Pisces. Notice how you feel and what your inner and outer dialogue are! Different!
March 16th the sun is loving on the North Node – this has to do with fate. A day on either side, you can meet someone or encounter something which changes the trajectory of your life! It speaks to your highest calling in this lifetime, you get a helping hand, an insight, the most random of thing occurring that helps you recognize you are NOT alone in this world, you have a spiritual team rooting for you and helping to get things aligned for you. Pisces season is an excellent time for mediumship, psychic development, spiritual work and dreamwork!
March 18th is the full moon in Virgo – stringent, health-conscious, it rules grains and what we feed our bodies, health care, employees. See what is shining in the news around this full moon. For us on a personal level, we may get the cleaning bug! Virgo loves to clean and organize! Maybe start pulling out your springtime decorations, or getting your gardening plans plotted. It’s about getting ready, being prepared, harvesting what you know to put it into action for when we hit Aries season next month. The low end of that is we may feel we are not enough. Be careful not to get too down on yourself … you are and always have been enough! You matter!
March 22nd Mars squares Uranus, and that can be an accident-prone day. You may spout off, feel edgy, or you may get an ‘a-ha’ moment of inspiration! You may get a brilliant, genius idea, or meet a new business partner, some type of surprise that was a missing link allowing you to take massive forward action!
And March 27th chatty Mercury changes signs again, this time into feisty Aries. You may be impatient, spouty with your words, but the high end is MOTIVATED! Aries energy is great at getting things moving; think of a tough athletic trainer. That’s Aries. Mercury is how we communicate, Moving into Aries is a fire energy. Verbal vomit. No filter. So be careful to practice the pause before answering someone who asks, “DoI look fat in these jeans?” and think about the words before letting them out.
Watch for the many workshops and retreats coming up on my website under the events tab. Learn how to develop your intuitive skills, or learn astrology with me! I always welcome your comments, questions and feedback: Have a beautiful dreamy month! Dream your dreams into reality – aim high and live a life you absolutely LOVE!
Til next time,
Your sister from the stars… Suzy Woo
Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc, is a Spiritual Healer, Astrologer, and Psychic Medium specializing in Energy, Sound, Light and Crystal Healing. Suzy is the owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts, 11 Martha St., Ellicottville, NY. Follow her on IG/FB, find her at or call 716-699-2871.