Village Board Meeting
Village Board Meeting
Committee will explore fair options for all garbage and recycling centers
The topic of recycling and garbage was the first item of discussion at the Ellicottville Village Board's Feb. 15th virtual meeting.
Complaints have come in from seasonal residents about inconvenience, as well as claims that the Village's contractor commingles recyclables with trash in violation of the village's refuse law. Also, homeowners say that the current early Monday morning pickup doesn't allow absent homeowners the opportunity to retrieve trash cans from the curb within 24 hours. Tickets are issued, resulting in $200 fines on the first conviction, or more for the second and third convictions. Some have resorted to depositing garbage bags at the curb, which is illegal under the local law.
Some have asked to discontinue local recycling until the matter can be resolved, others suggested changing the Monday recycling pickup day or providing neighborhood dumpsters. Two emailed letters dated Feb. 11th were sent to the Village Board requesting action.
MJ Brown, Kim Brown and Chris Tymstra, all of Monroe Street, and Kevin Lester of 48 Jefferson St., all stated support for "a solution to the current garbage law that will be fair to all residents - full and part time" ... and a return to recycling required in the Village's law. Lynn Lazzaro also expressed concerns.
Past complaints have come in the form of public comment during meetings, and in letters or direct contact with Village Board members.
Village Trustee Caitlin Croft agreed to head a task force to find a solution to the problem. Besides Croft, the task force members include Sheila Gallagher, MJ Brown, and Lynn Lazzaro.
The Board then took action on a recommendation from the SK8EVL steering committee to award a design/build contract for the Ellicottville Skatepark, based on scoring criteria favoring Grindline Skateparks, Inc. of Seattle, Washington.
The recommendation came in a Feb. 11th letter to Village officials from SK8EVL lead advocate, Brenda Perks, who said "very impressive" proposals were received from both Grindline and Evergreen Skateparks of Portland, Oregon.
The Board then voted to authorize Mayor John Burrell's signature of a contract with Cattaraugus County to help the Village purchase a vacant two-acre lot to be developed into a paved parking lot and safe pedestrian walkways for expanded access to the village.
Under the agreement ending Dec. 31st, the County will contribute $375,000 twenty days prior to closing, toward purchase of three parcels of land on Mill Street. The village may not convert the property to another use for 20 years or must repay the funds. The County has promised to assist the Village in seeking grants to help pay for paving and other costs.
In another matter, Burrell reported on a meeting with Sewer and Water Department staff who have agreed to help maintain operations and work at the Ellicottville and Concord facilities, covering weekends and holidays with the staff remaining following the upcoming retirement of the Town of Concord's plant operator, Jim Thoman. He said the plan should be carried out at a minimal or little additional cost. He expressed gratitude to the staff for presenting the plan.
The Board then considered the Village Engineer's recommendation to deny a $1,200 change order request from Parise Mechanical, the contractor hired to install an office wall heater at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Slotman advised the Board that after encountering obstructions in a chimney the company indicated there would be no extra charge to change the venting in a flu pipe. The item was tabled to obtain legal advice.
In other business, the Board awarded proposal from MDA Consulting Engineers of Ellicottville to perform an Inflow and Infiltration Engineering Study of the Village's wastewater collection system contributary to the treatment plant, focusing on wet weather events. MDA proposed hourly rates, for a not-to-exceed fee of $24,500, for work from February through a September completion. The Village had been awarded a $30,000 Engineering Planning Grant from the state Environmental Facilities Corporation to do the study.
The Board also set a public hearing for 6:00pm on March 15th, to take comments regarding the proposed abandonment of the village sewer line near the Tiny Homes Village Project near HoliMont.
Also at that meeting, Beautification Committee Chairman and Trustee Sean Lowes will provide a report on the Alley Katz’s work plan and decorations for the coming season. The Board approved removing seasonal decorations from the 1887 Building to prepare for a new snow sculpture by Eric Jones.
Finally, the Board received a public comment invitation regarding the state Department of Public Service's Broadband Assessment Program, which is studying availability, affordability and adoption of residential and commercial broadband internet access for all New York consumers. For information visit
Virtual meetings will be held to receive public statements from February 23rd-March 3rd. Digital comments may be submitted by going to, click on "Search" and enter the case number 21-02182 in the search field. Also, the public is encouraged to complete a broadband speed test and survey at, or to request a paper version by mail by calling the DPS toll-free hotline at 1-855-692-2627. The survey must be completed by March 18th, and paper copies may be returned using the mailing's return envelope and prepaid postage.