Spend Your Summer Creating Art
Spend Your Summer Creating Art
Springville Center for the Arts is hiring students for summer art projects
SPRINGVILLE, NY - Springville Center for the Arts is hiring students ages 14-18 who would like to spend their summer creating and installing art as part of a Public Art Corps. The Corps will create murals, facilitate public involvement in art, work with business owners, and create art installations around the SGI school district in collaboration with interns, staff and guest artists.
The program will mainly occur between July 5th and August 15th. Some preliminary work will occur during the school year in preparation for the summer and the Art Crawl on Saturday, June 4th. Interested students can find more information at SpringvilleArts.org.
This program is made possible with funding from Drug Free Communities and the Springville Regional Service Coalition (SRSC), a collaboration between area nonprofits and municipalities. Drug Free Communities is a federally funded grant through the CDC that focuses on strengthening community coalitions through collaboration to work toward preventing and reducing substance abuse among youth as well as reduce substance abuse among adults. SRSC was created to address basic human needs in our rural community, concerns over transportation, poverty and access to healthcare, and the burgeoning opioid crisis and underage substance abuse.