Suzy’s Star Readings: January Astrology
Suzy’s Star Readings: January Astrology
Happy Birthday, Capricorns!
I hope you were able to breathe and relax over your holiday season and enjoy activities and people that you love! I actually took two days completely off and it was heavenly!
Don’t feel bad if you weren’t feeling it … the holiday week definitely had tension packed into it, but that is now in the rear view mirror. What can we expect for January? Read on!
Happy birthday to the Capricorns! Capricorns are serious about winning, accomplishments, business and work! Capricorn energy says “there is no crying in baseball!” It is more focused on business, discipline and deadlines than feelings.
The theme of January is the connections we have with other people in our lives … our relationships will be spotlighted. We start the month still under the influence of a retrograding Venus (love, beauty, money) in Capricorn; definitely not a time for a new tattoo or redesigning a space. It’s very possible to hear from people from the past such as exes, former business partners or coworkers. This will last until the 29th. January will show you what your relationships are made of. Are they sustainable? Are they outdated? Have certain ones reached their expiration date? Do you really even know these people?
On January 2nd we have a new moon in dry, business-minded Capricorn. You may feel the need to get serious and committal about something or someone. You may feel inclined to launch your own business, or revisit ideas about advancing within your work/career. You may be really excited to tackle new projects, accomplishments or set some serious longer-term, big-picture-type goals.
Mercury is going retrograde January 13th-Feb 3rd, mostly in the sign of Aquarius (though she will hike back into Capricorn towards the end of the month). No need to freak out; just give yourself extra time before any trips, verify your times and schedules, and if you can help it, don’t enter into any brand new contract agreements. Expect schedules, emails and communication lines to get criss-crossed. It just happens (unless you are amongst the 1/3 of the population who was born under a Mercury retrograde).
We have a full moon in emotional Cancer Jan 27th - expect to feel this one. Full moons are always a time of emotional height and sensitivity, but Cancer is the most emotional sign, ruled by the moon itself. You might get moody. You might get hyper-sensitive, super sentimental, or you might burst into tears for no clear reason. Be in it, sit with it, and keep an open heart. Forgive where necessary and take time for self-care. The water of tears is deeply cleansing and ultimately healing.
Notice how you feel going through this month … we start with a Capricorn new moon which can be looked at as a disciplined Dad type of energy (new moons are a time to set new intentions for the next 28-ish days), yet we wrap the month up in a nurturing Mom kind of energy (culmination of self-care and loving as a mother would). It’s like the universe is giving us tough love in hopes we learn something deeper about our own selves, then resurface having realized our lesson.
2022 will be nothing like 2020-2021. We are launching into a whole new energy. Let me know how January goes for you! I love to hear from my readers! Email me anytime at
ANNOUNCEMENT! I am excited to be hosting Cassandra Joan Butler for a very special year ahead event at Holiday Valley on Sunday, January 9th. Get wise insights on what to expect for yourself, our country (the US is having its Pluto return - expect huge changes) and world trends for 2022. Fun, fascinating and accurate, see with real facts and timelines ‘how astrology works!’ It’s so accurate you just can’t make this stuff up! Tickets are $45, and seating is limited. Get your tickets for Preparing for 2022: The Year of 'What Matters' on the events page of either my website or Cassandra’s website at I really hope to see you there!
Notice how you feel around the 20th-22nd of the month as we leave the workaholic corporate Capricorn energy and step into rebellious, for the people/by the people, humanitarian Aquarius energy! Oh the times they are a’changing! See you next month!
Your sister from the Stars
- Suzy Woo
Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc, is a Spiritual Healer, Astrologer, and Psychic Medium specializing in Energy, Sound, Light and Crystal Healing. Suzy is the owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts, 11 Martha St., Ellicottville, NY. Follow her on IG/FB, find her at or call 716-699-2871.