Town Reflects On Current Projects
Town Reflects on Current Projects
Bid Received to Replace Front Door of Town Hall; Ellicottville Police Dept. Hires New Officer; Highway Dept. Looks to Hire Additional Staff
Photos / Jessica Schultz, ellicottvilleNOW
The Town Board of Ellicottville gathered for their last meeting of 2024 on December 18th. Following the busy Short-term Rental Public Hearing of November, this month’s agenda reflected on updating current project plans and finalizing reports to prepare for the new year.
To start the evening, Deputy Steve Crowley called the meeting to order as Supervisor Matt McAndrew joined by phone. The first topic to be discussed was the approval of the November 20th Board meeting minutes, followed by the approval of the current Town billing reports. Also accepted without issue, the Supervisor’s report was approved with talks then shifting to the Department Heads.
The Police Department, led by Officer-in-Charge Jim Bouchard, has had a busy season; with events, patrolling, and staffing, they continue to serve the community diligently. OIC Bouchard was happy to then announce to the Town Board the hiring of a new officer, James Smerka, who has begun training. Congratulations and welcome to the force!
The Highway Department has been hard at work, keeping up with this season’s snow coverage and Town road upkeep. This month’s heavy snowfalls have kept the Town crew plowing streets and clearing snow at a fast pace. Scot Brumagin, department head, is hoping to add an employee to offset concerns of short staffing and encourages serious applicants to apply. To find out more about open positions in the Town of Ellicottville, go to the official government site at under the announcements section.
Moving on to the Town Planner’s report, Greg Keyser addressed the short-term rental zoning amendment that is currently in the works. The short-term rental committee met, and during their discussions they aimed to review and revise the current local law in place. A drafted update is being made to be presented to the Town Board at the January regular meeting.
The Planning Board has reviewed the current Comprehensive Plan and believes a considerable update is in order. A comprehensive plan provides a future vision of a community and the necessary tools to achieve those goals. It can offer shared guidance for public and private development that reflects the best interests within an area. For the Town of Ellicottville, the suggestion was made to form a committee with a cross section of members which would include those from the Town Board, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, along with community representatives.
Continuing in the evening’s talks, Board members then heard from the Engineering Department. A bid was made for the Town Hall Door project and is currently being reviewed. The hope is to replace the front door with one that matches the character of the 1829 Washington Street building.
New business regarding the annual Organizational Meeting was directed to the Board as they then agreed to set a date for January 2, 2025. During this time the Town Board will address policy matters, routine appointments for public offices and additional formalities.
Old business brought some positive updates to the Board’s attention. The EVGV Trail has continued in their fundraising efforts and is now receiving support from GObike, the Western New York organization that connects communities through mobile activity.
Another previous matter that was discussed, Town Attorney Seth Pullen is continuing to coordinate with the Village Attorney to draft a new law that will allow the Town and Village of Ellicottville to have the same regulations and rules regarding noise law. If successful, the new adaptation could help solve confusion on how and where enforcements are made.
Wrapping up the evening’s agenda, the Town Board received two correspondences thanking them for their support in regards to two separate efforts. The positive exchange was noted by the Board as discussions came to a close. The meeting was called to adjourn, and the Town Board will gather again on the third Tuesday of January. Go to for additional information about the Town and Village of Ellicottville, NY.