Letter: Thank You
Letter: Thank You
Ellicottville Rotary / St. Paul’s Trunk or Treat a huge success
Special thanks go out to the kind volunteers and Interim Pastor Laura Csellak (from Lutheran Jamestown) at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church for providing the facility for this annual event for the children in the community. Over two hundred children attended along with parents. It was a smashing success, as it is every year.
Hearty thanks go to Pumpkinville for cider sippers, Tim Hortons for Tim-Bits, the Ellicottville Volunteer Fire company for bringing the fire truck and helping with safety, and to the Sons of the American Legion and the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary for much appreciated financial donations.
This event could not take place without the generous offer of time and talent by student volunteers Natalie Leiper, Ave Woodarek, Carsten Kosinski, Teagen Siperek, Rae Ann Moss and Jase Moss.
The event was generously spearheaded by Caylin Moss and Brenda Smith who were assisted by many Rotarians and friends of Rotary. Thank you, all!
- The Rotary Club of Ellicottville