Letter to the Publisher: Fall Fest Rules
Letter to the Publisher: Fall Fest Rules
Working together to make Fall Festival safe and fun for everyone!
As Ellicottville readies itself to host its largest festival of the year, we would like to let you know what we have been working on.
The Special Events committee, Ellicottville Police Department, Cattaraugus County Sheriff’s Department, NY State Police, Ellicottville Fire Department, Village and Town Boards, Code Enforcement, DPW, Chamber of Commerce, NYS DOT, along with input from local residents, merchants and bar owners have been working diligently on ways to improve Fall Festival as we know it. Please note the following:
ZERO TOLERANCE is the LAW and will be strictly enforced. This means absolutely no alcohol is allowed on village streets. You will not be allowed to leave an establishment or private property, walk to, from or within the village with open containers. Drink it or leave it. Public intoxication and disorderly conduct will not be tolerated.
NOISE LEVELS have been addressed with the local bars and beer tents. Outdoor live music will end at 11:00pm; quieter background music until midnight in accordance with the local sound level ordinance. Private homes are also obligated to obey this law.
PARKING: We strongly encourage carpooling, use of shuttles or walk! Space is limited and illegally parked vehicles (including motorcycles) will be ticketed and towed. Fire lanes, hydrants, and sidewalks are not to be blocked. Observe all temporary and regular no parking signs. Remember that flagmen for private lots are not allowed in the streets. Note that illegally parked vehicles on private property are the land owners’ responsibility.
BUSES: Hired bus drop and pick-up site will be located at the DPW building on Mill & Martha Streets. Parking for buses is on Route 219 beyond Holiday Valley Road at the old driving range site. Buses will NOT be allowed to load or unload elsewhere. Bus lines will be notified of open container law and are expected to adhere.
Shuttle Service: Daytime loading site is at Jefferson & Martha Streets, Saturday and Sunday from 10:00am-7:00pm. Evening site is at the New M&T Bank parking lot from 7:00pm-3:00am on Saturday, and 7:00pm-midnight on Sunday. The shuttle destinations are to most of the condos between the Village and Holiday Valley; all other destinations will require the taxi service, Uber, etc. Taxi: 716-375-TAXI, (Lyft & Uber); call in advance as they can be very busy. POLICE WILL NOT GIVE YOU A RIDE!
Restrooms: There will be plenty of port-o-johns provided throughout the festival area. They are cleaned routinely - use them! Public urination is against the law and violators will be prosecuted.
Emergency and First Aid location: Sheriff and First Aid trailers will be located on Washington Street across from Katy’s Cafe and Madigan’s.
CELL SERVICE: Have a plan if the towers go down. Know where to meet if you are separated from your group.
VENDORS: Must display vendor and health department permits on tents and must park in the designated lots provided to you by the Chamber. Sandwich boards, tables/chairs, and merchandise will not be allowed on sidewalks and tree lawns as to keep open to line of site for emergency personnel. Vendors are responsible for removal of their trash.
Help make Fall Festival safe and enjoyable. If you see something illegal, report it. If you see a mess, clean it up. Play by the rules … the future of Fall Fest depends on it.
Special Events Committee, Ellicottville Village & Town Boards, Local, County & State Police Deptartments, Ellicottville Fire Department, Ellicottville Chamber of Commerce