Your Help is Needed for Local Food Pantry
Your Help is Needed for Local Food Pantry
Great Valley Food Pantry Expands; New Supplies Needed
The new space for the Great Valley Food Pantry is expected to open by October. Pantry Coordinator is asking for the community’s help. Photos / Jessica Schultz, ellicottvilleNOW
At some point in all our lives, we’ve been down and out and we’ve needed a little help. There’s no shame in seeking assistance in a time of need. Our local food banks provide plenty of people with much needed sustenance and now, the Great Valley Food Pantry needs our help. Since its opening in 2019, it has outgrown its current space at the Great Valley Town Hall.
“The Great Valley Food Pantry was set up to assist folks residing in Great Valley, Humphrey and Kill Buck,” said Jan Benson, Pantry Coordinator. “Although no one is turned away, we do encourage those not living in our community to use the pantry set up in their own area. It is our intention to offer food assistance to many in our area who fall into the low and limited income category. The pantry has grown from 20 to the present of approximately 150-170 persons visiting the pantry each month.”
As such, the Town is in the process of building an addition to their town hall which when finished, will provide a 37’ x 42’ area exclusively for the pantry. The contents and fixtures will be the responsibility of the pantry to supply, through donations. (Note: The building itself comes with no tax increase to the residents, as funds are coming from the Federal Build Back Better Act and the Town’s sales tax receipts.)
Jan advised, “The expansion is progressing very nicely with Rich Horton as the general contractor and Great Valley Supervisor Dan Brown overseeing the entire project on a daily basis. The food pantry space should be ready to move into by the beginning of October. The walls are ready to be painted which will be our responsibility, and several volunteers from the Ellicottville Rotary Club have offered to help us with that. The expansion will allow us to keep a larger inventory of items and display the items in a much better manner than present. Currently, the town hall event room is used for many things so the food pantry has to remove all items each time the pantry closes for the day.”
With your help, the pantry will be able to continue its mission of providing healthy food to those in need as well as expand its services in the future. The list of items that they need include:
Stainless Steel sink with surrounding work area (1 piece) $750
4 Drawers or bins for under-the-sink storage $30 each
2 Two-tier carts for volunteer use $90 each
4 Shopping carts for client use $250 each
4 Six-foot tables $100 each
10 gallons of primer $100
5 gallons of ceiling paint $100
5 gallons of wall paint $150
Painting supplies $150
Misc. supplies TBD
Monetary reserve $10,000
Non-perishable food items, toiletries, and household items
Jan expressed that they’ve already received a few great donations, including a 3-door cooler, large freezer, folding chairs, a stainless metal table and metal shelves. Of course, they aren’t expecting someone to go out and buy a brand new shopping cart. Any monetary contributions are always welcome and gratefully accepted, which the food pantry group will use to purchase needed items. Checks may be payable to: Saving Grace Outreach/Great Valley Food Pantry, PO Box 427, Great Valley, NY 14741. A tax receipt for your donation will be supplied.
Lastly, Jan wanted to say, “Many individuals have stepped up to help in our transition which has been wonderful. Continued support of the food pantry will always be appreciated, as we operate on donations. It is our hope to continue to grow and offer the much needed assistance in our immediate area.”
For Fundraising Information, text or call: Maria Barrera 803-463-1557. To Volunteer, call: Jan Benson, Pantry Coordinator, 716-699-2585 (home phone) We appreciate your interest and support.