Harwood Haven

Harwood Haven

A sanctuary for campers and music lovers alike

Photos / Harwood Haven

Some things are just meant to be, like the beautiful property that is now Harwood Haven Campground in Franklinville. Several years ago, when owners John and Kim Osborne were looking for land in the area, John saw a 106-acre piece of property in Franklinville. “He approached the owner, and the guy wanted too much money,” Kim recalled. “So we said ‘Okay,’ and I think it was the following year, the guy called my husband and offered to sell it to him.” The deal was too good to refuse, and the Osbornes seized the opportunity. Kim said, “A year later, John said, ‘You know what? I think we’re going to build a campground…’” and the rest, as they say, is history! Spend some time relaxing and exploring the scenic campground and enjoy great music, too! Every Wednesday night, Harwood Haven has live music and on August 17th, the Harwood Haven Music Festival takes place from 6:00 to 10:00pm.

For the Osbornes, creating Harwood Haven has been a journey, to say the least! When they bought the land and decided to create a campground more than 15 years ago, they were literally starting from scratch. “It was just a vacant piece of land,” Kim recalled. “There was nothing on it but shrubs and trees. There wasn’t even a culvert over the creek! So over the course of time, my husband built roads, put in a water source and electric, built a bath house, put in a big lodge, and over the years, we kept adding to it.” The Osbornes have since built a house there, and four years ago, they sold their business in Buffalo and now run the campground full time.

No matter what kind of camping experience you prefer, Harwood Haven has the right spot. With 110 campsites, eight rental cabins equipped with electricity and bathrooms, full RV hook-ups, and access to the historical Finger Lakes Trails and Bush Hill State Forest, the campground is a great place to experience the natural beauty of the region and escape the daily grind. The campground has a handicap-accessible large restroom and shower facility, a new 24-hour laundry facility, a picnic table and fire ring for each campsite, a stocked pond, party pavilion and more.

Currently, Harwood Haven has 60 seasonal campers who spend their summers there. “We’re four miles from the cheese factory,” Kim noted. “Last year, my husband put in 22 sites that were winterized, so we’ve had a great group of gentlemen here. We are the only campground in the area that has winter sites.” Campsites can be booked directly online at www.harwoodhaven.com or by calling 716-676-3737.

Throughout camping season (May – September), Harwood Haven hosts live country western music on Wednesday nights from 6:00 to 8:30pm. Admission is just $5 per person with free coffee and water. One of Harwood Haven’s seasonal campers is a member of the band Virus X, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary, and he approached the Osbornes about having a music festival at the campground. The festival will feature three different bands including Nolan Curtis, Two Days Notice, and Virus X. Music will include a range of styles, from acoustic (guitar and harmonica) to classic rock, and original songs and classics by The Rolling Stones and The Beatles. Festival tickets are $5 and guests can bring their own beverages. “Bring a chair and enjoy the music!” said Kim.

To learn more about Harwood Haven, including the full schedule of Wednesday night music, visit www.harwoodhaven.com. Stay up to date on the music festival and other campground events by following Harwood Haven on Facebook.


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