Drum Circles Return to Griffis Sculpture Park

Drum Circles Return to Griffis Sculpture Park

Add to the Beat During the Monthly Drum Circle Sessions

Griffis Sculpture Park will be hosting a monthly drum circle over the next three months. The drum circles will take place on Saturday, June 22, Saturday, July 27 and Saturday, August 24 from 6:30-8:00pm at the Rohr Hill Road section of the park. The drum circles are free to participate and attend.

Drummers of all skill-levels are invited to attend. Drum circle facilitator Steve Bell, will help lead the circle. Steve will also bring a few percussion instruments for participants to use. He is one of the premier drum instructors in the region and has a knack for making drum circles fun, accessible and informative. Attendees should bring a lawn chair.

The Rohr Hill Road section of the park is known for its tall Larry Griffis, Jr.’s sculptures. It’s a wonderful place for a drum circle, especially as the sun starts to set. It’s about a 50 yard walk from the parking lot to the drum circle site. There are no bathroom facilities at this section of the sculpture park.

In the event of rain, an announcement will be made by 3:00pm Saturday afternoon on the Griffis Sculpture Park Facebook page


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