Suzy’s Star Readings: The Energy of Scorpio
Suzy’s Star Readings: The Energy of Scorpio
When someone asks, ‘What’s your sign?’ that is referring to our sun sign. That means what sign the sun was in when you were born.
You have all the planets in your chart … what your birth chart shows us is what sign each planet was in as you drew your first breath; so everyone does have an area of life that is ruled by Scorpio. Let’s talk about the energy of Scorpio!
It’s no wonder we have Halloween during Scorpio season. Scorpio rules over death, blood and gore, and endings, but also getting to the nitty gritty of finding out what you’re made of, transformation and power.
Scorpio is the most intense and penetrating of all the zodiac signs. Scorpio energy is focused and driven. It has no problem going deep and shedding light on the darkest of the dark in the name of truth. It speaks to secrets, hidden information, powerful people and big money. Scorpio’s types of interests and careers include mystery movies, the who-dunnits, investigations, crime scenes, death/morticians, occult, but also management of others’ resources like investments, portfolios, real estate and market shares. Scorpios make great therapists too, since they have had trauma of their own. People tend to trust and open up to those with strong Scorpio placements. A person with strong Scorpio placements knows everyone else’s dirt, and is tight-lipped about their own as they are very private, usually with a rather dry sense of humor. They have a good poker face and usually have striking, penetrating eyes that seem to look right through you. You cannot lie to a Scorpio.
Scorpio energy says, ‘What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.’ It is represented by the Phoenix rising from the ashes – you can’t kill it. But, the shadow side of Scorpio can be manipulative, controlling, vengeful and cunning. Scorpio has a stinger which can often sting itself - by burning bridges and being unforgiving.
We begin this month with a new moon in the sign of Scorpio, on November 4th. It is a pretty potent new moon that can make us feel pressured. That is to make us become aware of whatever we’re still holding on to at a time we should be streamlining as we head into hibernation. During this new moon, try setting new intentions to release all that is not for your highest good, and really mean it.
You know the saying, ‘One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.’ Think of this for all of November.
A tree is not meant to hold on to dying leaves, or else new buds won’t grow in spring. When the dead leaves do fall, they no longer actively serve the tree, but become valuable in many other ways to many others! Rake them into a pile and they become fun for children to jump into, or to stuff into scarecrows. The dead leaves serve as food, shelter and insulation to other creatures of nature, and too, can become rich compost for next year’s new sprouts.
It’s unfair to stay in a relationship, a job, a home or other situation you are not happy with. The right energetic match is waiting for exactly what you need to let go of. When we stay in a holding pattern, we can get bitter with resentment, even anger. Don’t continue to force a situation that isn’t right. Be grateful for what it was, give thanks, and release it. The sooner you can, the sooner new opportunities will be able to present themselves to you!
The full moon is Friday, Nov. 19th in Taurus. But this is not a regular full moon – it’s a lunar eclipse. Not a time to put your crystals out to charge. Not a time to start or launch anything on this day. This can bring feelings of insecurity to the surface on any level. We may feel our own security is threatened. Taurus rules over our finances and food. Stick with what you know Nov. 18-20th. I don’t recommend risk taking, buying anything expensive or entering into any kind of long-term commitment these few days.
For November in general, expect lots more dirt to rise to the surface, people in power who do things they shouldn’t be become revealed. There may be other scandals that surface including ones that are sexual in nature. Scorpio is the strongest sexual sign and when it goes dark because of big money/ power, that spells big trouble. I expect some big shockwaves in the media this month. Watch for wild fluctuations in the markets and financial sector. Not a time for investing. It is a time to get lean and refined in your life, continue purging. Stick with what you know, and consider brainstorming for how you would like to see your life in the new year.
A little closer to Thanksgiving I expect some kind of disruptive energy to occur. A breakthrough, discovery, eruption, or even an earthquake. It could be where many unified strong voices break the system. I also would expect more about our extra-terrestrial friends to be in the news.
As we close November, we enter into fun-loving and optimistic Sagittarius season. More on that next month.
Enjoy November and happy celebrations to you all. I enjoy your comments and welcome questions at Til next time, I remain …
Your Sister from the Stars,
Suzy Woo
Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc, is a Spiritual Healer, Astrologer, and Psychic Medium, also specializes in Energy, Sound, Light and Crystal Healing. Suzy is the owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts, 11 Martha St., Ellicottville, NY. Follow her on IG/FB or find her at