Suzy’s Star Readings: Sagittarius Season
Suzy’s Star Readings: Sagittarius Season
Did you feel the energy shift? October showed us people’s true colors, and perhaps the cold reality of certain situations in our lives. It may have been ugly. The big reason was to help us become more accountable for where we are in life; with the goal being to make more intuitive and conscious choices of who we spend our energy with and what we give focus to.
Now, the air is much lighter as it is Sagittarius season; which is ruled by the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter. By contrast, think of the themes of Halloween with dry, cold, death and endings vs. Christmas/Hanukkah, warm, light, opening our hearts and giving.
We all have an area of life ruled by Sagittarius energy in our personal birth chart. This is where we feel most abundant, where we take chances, feel expansive, really enjoy life, and maybe exaggerate. This energy loves to party and does not like to be told what to do. It is a fire energy, which thrives on adventure! Hiking, walking, anything in the great outdoors - this energy loves to be in motion. It has no filter (blunt, direct) and is jovial, fun, outgoing and witty. Where we find Jupiter in our charts we love to ‘go big!’ It also represents our belief systems/philosophy in life.
Sagittarius is represented by the archer, the teacher, the centaur, and Santa Claus. It represents hope. When all the chips are down, you can trust a Saggie to always see the bright side as this is the eternal optimist. It is the higher mind, higher education, the laws, and breaks down barriers and boundaries that separate. It is the world view, the big picture. Everything with Jupiter and Sagittarius energy is big. It loves the bells and lights of a casino, a party, and can lack discipline as in ‘no off switch.’ If you’re going out on the town with someone with strong Sagittarius in their chart, you’re in for a blast, but be sure to have a designated driver (they can lose sight of the ‘off switch’ and can get carried away in too much celebrating/libations!)
Sagittarius energy is a little clumsy and bumps into things and doesn’t take life too seriously. Every Sag has very strong déjà vu.
We start December with a total solar eclipse/new moon in Sagittarius on the 4th. Eclipses are large markers of change in our lives. We had a lunar eclipse at the end of November which was a bit of a darker, inwards reflective feel about what we need to feel safe and secure. This is very different as it is a solar eclipse/new moon, which is a new beginning marker, about what we want to do that is more in alignment with our beliefs. Where are we willing to ‘go big?’ What and who have we had enough of and will not come with us into this new phase of life?
The dreamy planet Neptune (ruler of Pisces) has been retrograde since the end of June, and on Dec 1st goes forward. This caused us to question where we feel we are being deceived, under an illusion, being kept in the fog. We can trust our intuition more now than ever before; we see the other shoe dropping in validation and confirmations around what we suspected or felt in our gut all along.
We have a full moon on Saturday, December 18th in chatty air sign, Gemini. The 17-19th will be a great time for conversing and being a social butterfly. Since it is an air sign though, be careful not to misplace things like your keys because we can become a little more ‘air-headed.’
On December 18th, Venus will go retrograde in the serious sign of Capricorn until the end of January. During this stretch, it is NOT a time to change your style, get a completely new hair cut or color, a tattoo, etc. Same with your home - don’t do any cosmetic changes like painting a room in daring themes. You will feel very different when Venus goes direct and you will likely not appreciate your creativity you felt at the time. Also, be more mindful of your spending.
The 21st is winter solstice and the shortest day of the year. Welcome back more daylight!
The 22nd-24th the moon will be in loving, generous heart-centered Leo, encouraging us to be welcoming, playful, and fun-loving.
Dec. 24th is the final headstrong clashing of Saturn and Uranus - the old traditional, conventional ways vs. the new innovative, conceptual ways. Top-down systems, government vs. new age, holistic concepts, freedom and community. Structures vs. earthquake energy! This has been a tough transit that happened twice this year, with this being the third and final one, and will likely tip off a new movement/uprising.
Dec. 25th we move into a Virgo moon. Many of us may feel that ‘not good enough, not this or that enough’ insecurity but in the company of trusted people, that should not matter. Be mindful of who you spend your time with. No more phonies. No more worrying about people pleasing. Be with those who love you for who you truly are! This is a huge theme going forward into 2022 and beyond. BE YOURSELF! Don’t stress yourself out over trying to impress anyone. Let your hair down, and be with those who appreciate you.
On Dec. 28th, Jupiter goes into Pisces which is one of its favorite places to be! From this day til late May we will all become more intuitive, way more psychically sensitive. We had a little sampling of this energy back in April … well it’s back now til the end of May. This will be a time where it feels you are getting very strong spiritual guidance, maybe noticing orbs or splashes of energy in your periphery, strong feelings in your gut, big downloads or symbolism in your dreams, more psychic interaction and sensitivity. Trust your gut!
To recap: the first half of the month will be a bit more flowy while later in the month we get ready to dig in our heels and move forward with who and what is right for us on an individual and community level. We will be getting serious (Capricorn) about our plans moving forward, creating new foundations and new structures in an area of our lives.
For 2022-’23 you can count on major financial and food supply/distribution shake-ups. More corruptions will surface, shocking many, and we will be going into a very substantial spiritual awakening worldwide. Expect more technology, inventions, more technological platforms to ‘air’ our voices and bond together, and more evidence of our extra-terrestrial family to become undeniably obvious. Less and less room for cover-ups, the people come to see the truth. Expect major change as America is having its Pluto return - that is a huge deal for another article.
Want to know how all this will play out for you personally? Reach out any time to schedule a chart analysis/personality profile at
Enjoy all the adventures Ellicottville has to offer during this wonderful season, and enjoy all those who matter to you most. Also please know that your loved ones who transitioned are really around you all the time, and they want nothing more than for you to know it. They love you and want you to know they will be there, especially around special dates like your and their birthdays, and the holiday season.
Very happy holidays to you and yours. Written with love by your sister from the stars
- Suzy Woo
Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc, is a Spiritual Healer, Astrologer, and Psychic Medium specializing in Energy, Sound, Light and Crystal Healing. Suzy is the owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts, 11 Martha St., Ellicottville, NY. Follow her on IG/FB or find her at