April Astrology

April Astrology

A time of evolution and revolution

Nothing is static. Everything is always moving. And now here we are in a new year. The Spring Equinox on March 20th was the actual beginning of the year, according to the Indigenous, the Farmer’s Almanac and many other cultures. How interesting to think of our calendar … “month” actually derives from MOON … or, “moonth.” A time to till, a time to sow, a time to reap, each moonth is measured by the age of the moon, meaning from new moon to new moon, a cycle having an average of 29.53 days in a moonth!  Cool isn’t it?

Happy birthday to all the Aries people!

The astrology for April has a much anticipated event that astrologers have been buzzing about … the conjunction (meeting) of the two very spiritual planets, which co-rule the sign Pisces.  Neptune is the modern ruler of the sign Pisces, and Jupiter is the ancient ruler. They are both meeting in their home sign, Pisces - an event that will not happen again in our lifetimes!

What does it mean? It can go a few ways. What I expect is some type of massive spiritual unity. Think back to the 9/11 event. Almost immediately after word got around, an outpouring of love and compassion swept around the world. What began as something extremely dark, ended up becoming great light. People prayed, people sent love and support and people came together.

It is another wave of this ‘light’ that is occurring now. People are waking up at an amazing rate and questioning the narrative. The darker narrative wants to keep people in the dark and suppressed, while corruption happens behind the curtain … before we were taught to never question. Today, we are questioning. Today we are noticing hmm, something does not FEEL right.  And we are right. And now it is starting to show more and more and becoming undeniable.

The union of Neptune and Jupiter happens April 12th. We are already under the influence of some time of anticipation yet we can’t quite put our finger on it. 

All the signs, planets and houses have a high road expression and a low road expression, and we as human beings on this planet of free choice are constantly choosing which expression we are in.  The high road expression is compassion, unity, love, and realizing we are one. One human family. It blurs what separates us and brings the world and universe together in a huge hug of light. It is prayers, dreamwork, and meditations, so really amp up your positive intentions and affirmations. Start and finish each day in a place of gratitude and acceptance of yourself that YOU are love! You matter SO much! You chose to be here at a pivotal time in mankind’s spiritual evolution!

The downside of this conjunction is some people can get swept up in a narrative, there can be a mass hypnosis, as Neptune rules movies, illusions, deceptions, altered states, addictions, escapism and brain fog.

This is, without a doubt, a time of evolution and revolution. The era of Aquarius is the rebel but also represents ‘the people.’ This is where the people win back the love, peace, and harmony through peaceful protests, through prayers, through compassion and humanitarian efforts.

The New Moon is April 1st. Set your intentions for the new MOONTH! In Aries this is a time of action, finally. Pisces rules sleep and endings, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac - a fire sign. Think of new spring growth. Let’s go!

The full moon is April 18th in Libra. This will be a time of relationships, kindness, advocacy, bringing things into balance as Libra is symbolized by the scales of justice. Relationships, our clients, customers, intimate partners and business partners come under a spotlight. Who should stay and who should go? Is it time to move on or are you good?

April 2022 will bring us a second New Moon on the 30th called a Black Moon. But (wow!) it is also a solar eclipse! What better way to enjoy that day than by joining me at the Tamarack Club at Holiday Valley for a Sound Immersion/Gong bath! I’ll briefly talk about the current astrology and how to generate prosperity by working with the phases of the moon just like the ancients. Then you can enjoy an incredible experience as gongs and singing bowls allow you to drift away into ancient times and you receive deep level healing like nothing you’ve ever experienced before!  Afterwards, we will anchor in our new moon intentions and solidify it with some tasty foods!  Seating is limited so reserve your seat on the events page of my website at www.suzy-woo.com.

Enjoy your month, take time to be in gratitude, and be in love with life! I love you all and hope to see you soon. Your sister from the stars … Suzy Woo

Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc, is a Spiritual Healer, Astrologer, and Psychic Medium specializing in Energy, Sound, Light and Crystal Healing. Suzy is the owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts, 11 Martha St., Ellicottville, NY. Follow her on IG/FB, find her at suzy-woo.com or call 716-699-2871.


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