Village Board Notes
Village Board Notes
Public Hearing on Solid Waste Management and Recycling in the village held; approved
The monthly meeting of the Ellicottville Village Board was held virtually on January 19, 2021. The meeting opened with a Public Hearing on Local Law #1 of the year 2021. The purpose of Local Law #1 is to amend Local Law No. 2 of the year 2020. A local law regulating Solid Waste Management and Recycling in the Village. There was no comment from the public.
New Business: There is a request for the Village to grant access to an Elizabeth Street lot off the Tom George alleyway. This alleyway runs between Adams Street and Madison Street. There was a motion to set a Public Hearing for the request; a second and ayes carried.
The were approved actions on the following: December meeting minutes, special meeting minutes, December audit of claims and the December financial report.
Mayors Report: Mayor John Burrell has started to work on the 2021-2022 budget with the Budget Committee. The EVGV Trail Representatives are meeting with the Southern Tier Regional Trail as the Ellicottville segment has garnered high priority with the GO Bike initiative.
Planning Department: There was action taken to approve a new fee structure for services rendered. The goal is to create pricing tiers for smaller projects. For example, this would make it more economically feasible for property owners to do minor upgrades to their homes.
Department of Public Works: Mark Chudy asked the Board to approve his new hire, Anthony Fedorowicz; there was a second and ayes carried. There were several interviews and 10+ applications. There was also action taken to approve Job Lowry as the new wastewater treatment facility supervisor with a $2/hour raise. Jigger Stokes' last day will be 2/1/2021. Lastly, there was action taken to adopt the Cattaraugus County Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Refuse: Action was taken to end the Public Hearing on the local law amendment. There was a motion to approve Local Law #1 of the year 2021; a second and ayes carried. February 1st is the bid opening for the new refuse contract; Village Clerk Mary Klahn, Trustee Greg Cappelli and DPW’s Mark Chudy are working out how this will be run. The Village needs to be compliant with all COVID-19 restrictions and also maintain the level of transparency that typical, in-person, bid openings offer. There will be door hanger notifications going out with the new rules associated with Local Law No. 2 of the year 2020.
Engineering Report: The Engineering Grant Reimbursement Voucher has been received.
Equipment Update: Trustee Ed Imhoff advised the Board they should approve the purchase of a F550 Dump Truck for the Wastewater Department. After lengthy research Imhoff feels the F550 is the most cost effective choice. There was a motion to approve the purchase; a second and ayes carried.
There was action taken to adjourn the meeting. The next meeting of the Ellicottville Village Board will be held on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 6:00pm. The meeting will be held virtually; please call the Village Clerk at 716-699-4636 for the access link.