Village Board Notes: Skatepark Receives Fundraising Extension
Skatepark Receives Fundraising Extension
Ellicottville Skatepark Committee members present fundraising update at Village Board meeting and request support to begin design process.
The Ellicottville Village Board held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 15th and opened with Good News.
Brenda Perks and Kathy Elser of the Ellicottville Skatepark committee (SK8EVL) advised the Board that their fundraising deadline with The Skatepark Project has been extended until November 30, 2021. Trevor Staples, Project Manager from The Skatepark Project, was present at Tuesday’s virtual meeting and congratulated SK8EVL on the fundraising that has been done despite the limitations the COVID-19 Crisis has had on efforts. To date, the group has raised nearly $100,000 which will be matched by The Skatepark Project/Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation to apply towards the construction of a permanent, concrete skatepark to be located in the Village Park.
Following her update on the project’s fundraising efforts, Perks advised the Board that she feels the project is ready to move forward with the next step: designing the park. Staples provided the Board with information on the design process and supported the idea to begin this next phase of the project.
The Board asked about other skatepark projects in the Western New York area and requested information on various designs so that they can see examples of what can be done here in Ellicottville. The SK8EVL committee, with guidance from Staples, will coordinate with Ellicottville’s Village Planner to work on a request for proposals on potential designs by qualified skatepark-specific designers. Mayor Burrell, the SK8EVL committee and Staples agreed that if the group starts the design process now, it will help build excitement for the project, which in turn could help bring in additional donors to help the group meet their goal of raising $250,000 for the full match. Perks was sure to emphasize during the meeting that at this point, the skatepark WILL happen; they have met the minimum to build a park. Now it’s just a matter of how big can they build it. Perks and Elser thanked the Board for all of their support, and expressed that they are looking forward to continuing their fundraising efforts into 2021.
In other news:
There was a motion to set a special meeting for Monday, December 21st to review the November Audit of Claims and Financial Report.
In Engineering there was more discussion regarding a proposed Intermunicipal Agreement with the Town of Concord to operate and maintain the Kissing Bridge and Craneridge wastewater systems. The contracts would bring the Town/Village nearly $75,000 in revenue per the allotted budget of the Town of Concord. The Village attorney had some questions to tighten up language regarding capital improvements to the system. The changes are to be made and reviewed.
There was also a motion to approve an employee agreement with James Thoman who would work on these systems. The motion passed with the condition that the IMA is accepted and signed with the attorney’s advised changes.
There was a motion to accept the retirement intent letter of Gerard R. Stokes; a second and ayes carried.
Lastly, the Board went into executive session to discuss a professional services contract. The meeting was adjourned.
The next regular meeting of the Ellicottville Village Board is scheduled for Tuesday, January, 19, 2021 at 6:00pm. Please contact Mary Klahn, Village Clerk, for more information including virtual access to the meeting.