‘Your Turn’ Women’s Clinic Returning to Holiday Valley
‘Your Turn’ Women’s Clinic Returning to Holiday Valley
Intermediate/advanced skiers invited to two-day programming with renowned ski racer/coach Lisa Densmore-Ballard; pre-registration required.
From the newest gear to the most thrilling destinations, competitive ski racer Lisa Densmore Ballard has always had an eye on skiing trends. This year, she’s noticed that outdoor winter sports have experienced a boom like never before, as COVID-19 has driven many to discover new ways to have fun, improve their health, and explore nature. “We still can do so much outdoors,” said Ballard. “It’s great to be on the side of a mountain, breathing fresh air and getting exercise. You can be around your friends within reason, and it’s good for your body and your brain.”
No one knows this better than Ballard who, at 59, ended last year ranked in the top four in the world in the FIS Master’s circuit. She’s seen every aspect of ski racing, from competing on the U.S. Ski Team leading up to the1980s Olympics, to racing collegiately, to the World Pro Ski Tour, and now the U.S. Alpine Masters. Since 1991, she has also been coaching, writing, and commentating on skiing for several outdoor publications and nearly every major news outlet, from ESPN to NBC. In her words, “I just feel like skiing and ski racing are sports you can do for life and do at a very high level.” Ballard is excited to share this passion and her years of experience at Holiday Valley next week during her annual Your Turn Women's Ski Clinic Jan. 21st and 22nd.
Uncertain how this year would look given pandemic restrictions on gatherings and travel, Ballard has been pleased to see that ski clinics are very much in demand. The Montana resident leads clinics all over the United States, and so far, each one has sold out and added a waiting list. A New York native who grew up in the Adirondacks, Ballard said Ellicottville is one of her favorite destinations. “It’s a tradition to come back here every year and spend a couple days at Holiday Valley,” she said. “There are new gals and returning ones each year, and it’s just a really fun couple of days where you can improve your skiing and learn a lot about your gear, meet other skiers, and just get better at the sport. It’s a supportive and enjoyable way to do it!”
Since 1991, about 7,000 women have gone through the Your Turn program all over the country to improve their skills and learn the intricacies of the sport and equipment, especially as they pertain to women. Ballard explained, “I give a presentation on what makes women’s ski gear women-specific and what the trends are. You’ve got to have the right tool for the task, so to speak, so I start with that.”
Over the years, Ballard has worked with several companies to help develop women’s ski gear. “For many years, the manufacturers would call them ‘unisex models’ and there were just a small number of women’s skis,” Ballard reflected. “Now, you see as diverse an offering for women as you do for men from most manufacturers.” This year, Ballard is sharing a new ski, Secret, made for aggressive female skiers.
Making sure one’s skis are tuned correctly is important, Ballard noted, as many get skis and never or rarely tune them. Participants work in small groups with an instructor and Ballard rotates among the groups throughout the day to work with everyone. “Of course, skiing is a sport that men and women can enjoy, but there are some things specific to a gal on snow, though,” Ballard pointed out. “Women carry their center of gravity in their hip area, whereas with men, it’s in their shoulders and chest. This directly affects how you stand and balance on your skis, and we discuss these kinds of differences. It’s a totally friendly environment, and you can ask questions as candidly as you want.”
Specialty clinics include how to use your hands effectively and how to ski the wall. Video analysis is also part of each day and a vital tool, according to Ballard. She said, “I can tell you to do something on your skis five times, but until you see yourself on video, it doesn’t always register.”
Importantly, Ballard’s clinics are COVID-19-friendly and based mostly outside. Meals are mostly grab-and-go, and video analyses take place via Zoom after skiing, instead of in-person in small groups. Ballard added, “We’re still going to be able to have fun! I have already had a number of clinics, and it’s so fun to see how happy people are to be out on the hill and getting better with their skiing.”
Ballard’s clinic is designed for intermediate to advanced skiers. To register and learn more about “Your Turn,” including the full schedule and video footage from last year, visit https://www.holidayvalley.com/activities-events/your-turn-women/.