Undercover Agents
Undercover Agents
Area Organizations Doing Good Without a Whole Lot of Fanfare
“When I first went to the homeless shelter, I had a bike. The only possession I had left. It wasn’t much, but it was mine. A CCA member went 20 miles away and got my bike for me. That’s how much they care.” - CCA client.
Cattaraugus Community Action (CCA) is a non-profit organization serving local communities for the needs of its residents and dedicated to providing opportunities to help vulnerable people achieve economic, physical, and emotional security. Located at 25 Jefferson Street in Salamanca, they endeavor to meet people’s most basic needs. On their website they say this: “More importantly, we collaborate with scores of public and private partners to offer marginalized people hope, opportunity, and the tools to overcome adversity and to thrive. We serve individuals and families, the elderly, the disabled, and the disadvantaged in southwestern and central New York. We believe in helping everyone who interacts with us as our ultimate goal is to help you achieve security, stability, and self-efficacy for you and your family.”
What some people don’t realize is that CCA prioritizes trauma-care including safe and affordable housing, home rehab and weatherization, prevention, and education, along with mental health services, food security and support for youth, families, and survivors of crime. If you have a need mentioned here or one that you don’t know where to turn for help, you can reach CCA at 716-945-1041 or Cattaraugus Community Action’s 24-hour CRISIS HOTLINE at 1-888-945-3970. Keep this number handy. Tear it out and post it on your bulletin board or refrigerator in case of an emergency.
The Rotary Club of Ellicottville has, over the years, worked closely with the Ellicottville Food Bank, providing financial support and donation drives along with providing funds to improve the facility storage housed in the United Church of Ellicottville. This amazing program run by Val Germaine, Nancy Rogan and Reverend John Woodring serves the Ellicottville community with a totally volunteer staff. It is open Monday 1:00-3:00p, Wednesday 4:00-6:00pm and Saturday 10:00am-noon.
The Food Pantry in Great Valley is operated by volunteers from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Ellicottville. It is open to all residents of Cattaraugus County on the last two Saturdays of every month from 9:00am-1:00pm.
The Salvation Army has a presence in Olean at 310 E. State Street. They can be reached at 716-372-6740. They are open Tuesday 10:00am-noon and Wednesday/Thursday 10:00am-2:00pm. “The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the Universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.”
If you are into a general beginning-of-the-year clean-out and have large amounts of household goods, food and clothing to donate, please load up your vehicle and head to Buffalo’s east side to pay your respects to one earthmover of a fearless Felician nun, Sister Johnice, at Response to Love, who just recently took on would-be thieves trying to remove gutters from the old St. Adalbert’s school building used for this charity. She made the Buffalo television news a few weeks ago by racing outside while the would-be heist was in process. This diminutive nun took down the very tall ladder while the culprit was still on the roof. The two bad guys got away, but Sister Johnice saved the gutters. And you can save the day for the hundreds of people ministered to daily at The Response To Love Center at 130 Kosciuszko Street behind the church.
The Sisters Care Center collaborates with other agencies to provide key services around health and wellness, education, employment, and social services. In addition to these services, their clients also have an opportunity to work with a nurse and a dietician to help them reach their health and wellness goals. Contact them at 716-894-7030.
How is it you will respond to love? Pick one.