Spring Equinox 2023 is Coming

Spring Equinox 2023 is Coming

Celebrate the Change of Seasons Monday, March 20th at 5:24pm

Now Nature hangs her mantle green 
On every blooming tree, 
And spreads her sheets o'daisies white 
Out o'er the grassy lea. 

- Robert Burns 

Spring is on the way! Good things are about to happen, but before we celebrate, let’s take a few moments to learn a bit about this equinox (from the Latin “aequus,” meaning equal, and “nox,” meaning night). At the March 20th Equinox, the sun is positioned directly over the equator. The earth’s axis does not tilt toward or away from the sun, creating nearly equal hours of night and day all over the world, only twice a year, in September and in March. March brings the Vernal equinox, heralding the entrance of Spring (September’s equinox is called the Autumnal Equinox). Beginning March 20th, hours of daylight will increase, and hours of darkness will decrease until we come to the Fall equinox in September. Now, that is something to celebrate! But celebrating spring is nothing new. Humans have been doing it for thousands of years in ways from deeply spiritual to totally bizarre.

Wondering about the spiritual, I contacted Rev. Suzy Woo, owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts at 11 Martha Street in Ellicottville (716-699-2871). She wanted all of us to know that “this year's equinox will be one for the books, not easily forgotten. Imagine, we have survived the COVID Pandemic. That is a remarking of time, almost like where were you during 9-11 or when the Beatles were on Ed Sullivan? This is one of those moments with this true marking of the new year, the Spring Equinox.” Without going through how this all takes place in astrological terms, suffice it to say that she says that things point to “massive, new societal change.”

“We are being invited to become filled with more 'light' - this is the dissolving of religious walls that separate or hurt, and a more lateral, grassroots way of life - this is the point of demarcation.” Further, she states, “It is about 'going for it’, taking a chance, a risk, to stick one's neck out for what they believe in.” Expectations: “We can expect the rest of the darkness behind the pulpit to crumble and something anew, by the people and for the people, to replace it, without prejudice.” She punctuates all this by these words: “This is a big one.” 

On the earthly side of things, we can prepare for these changes and for the coming of this new season by taking time to celebrate the new life surrounding us in nature. Snow may still be on the ground, but we know the brave snowdrops are poking their pretty heads out of the ground here in Western New York. Go for a walk or bike ride and observe the signs of spring around you. Listen… was that a robin I heard? Watch the sun come up or go down. Do what Betty Bush and I did on sunny, snowy days. We sat up on my porch roof in swimsuits and fur coats, soaking up the delicious sun’s rays all over our bodies. Our elevation here puts us that much closer to heaven, and that is just so good.

Start some plants indoors (ahh, new life!) Don’t be in too much of a hurry to clear outdoor brush too early. Many of our precious pollinators (bees, butterflies) overwinter in dead plant material. Remove it too soon and you can kill these important garden members. Research says a good rule is to wait until temperatures are consistently 50 degrees. Patience!

While thinking of things to do outdoors, why not invite friends over, prepare a spring feast and have a bonfire. Marshmallows, of course, but the equinox spirits invite you to tell stories, sing, play music, even dance, beat drums, and try to stand an egg on end. We don’t have a Stonehenge, but we do have the Nannen Arboretum where one could take a quiet walk and get in touch with their spiritual side.

Let’s talk about that spiritual side for a moment, harkening back to what Dr. Woo told us earlier in this article. Without being overly enigmatic, just look around every new day as Mother Earth creates her magic. No matter what troubles befall humankind, she faithfully returns and turns a frigid, monochromatic landscape into a world of balminess, with sensuous breezes and cheerful, sunny, delicious colors that warm our souls. We are spiritual beings wrapped in human form, so as Dr. Woo reminds us, “become filled with more light.” Don’t be led by what others think. “Stick your neck out and go for it.” Jump in and play your key role in the changes to come.

While you gear up to be comfortable with your spiritual side, do earthly stuff by decorating your home for spring - put up a spring twig tree and decorate it with flowers, animals, and decorated eggs. Buy wooden ones online or blow out fresh real eggs to create family heirlooms. Now is the time for spring cleanup for a fresh start. There are businesses right in this community which can be of service to you in these and the following endeavors. Meditate, practice yoga or Pilates, read, pray, surround yourself with beautiful aromas from essential oils, light candles and just sit… and be… (ahhhh!)… and let Mother Earth and spring wrap their arms around you. Happy Spring!


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