Holiday Valley’s End-of-Winter Extravaganza

This Saturday, March 22nd, Holiday Valley is hosting the last big party of the season. Get ready for a splash of fun at the resort’s annual Pond Skimming event, taking place at the base of Yodeler Lodge. Aspiring skimmers can sign up in person the day of the event. Registration will start at 11:00am at Yodeler, but only the first 50 entrants will secure a spot so arrive early!

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Guys and Dolls

You know we’re officially getting into springtime when the Ellicottville Central School’s Drama Club readies for their big production, and this year they are doing a hit from Broadway. On March 28th and 29th, the community is invited to see the students perform the ever popular Guys & Dolls. In regards to all the work that’s been put into this year’s show, Director Wilder states, “Throughout the past 10 weeks, we have been working, singing, acting, dancing, designing, building, painting and helping each other with one purpose in mind: to create a vision which will transport you to Manhattan, NY in 1951 to watch these lovable characters entertain you

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